Tuesday, October 24, 2006


More Tyre Pictures

There has been some interest in the larger than normal tyres I am using, so I thought a couple more pictures were appropriate. While my whole aim is to handle poor surfaces better than the standard tyre, there is a limit as to how much I want sticking out of the bottom. In order to control this I have used a narrower spacer between the top of the tyre and the fairing. The space is of the order of 3/4", so I will have to keep an eye on the mud build up in there.

This picture shows the tyre inside the fairing. I am far from finished but the fairing is in position wrt the tyre. It shows just how much is sticking out. From memory of building my -9A it looks less once the weight of the aircraft is on the wheel.

I will run the tyres at a lowish pressure also to increase the flotation.

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